Evgeny Krylov. Fantasies from the Inkwell

L'exposition 30 juin − 19 septembre 2021
The Erarta Museum of Contemporary Art presents the exhibition "Evgeny Krylov. Fantasies from the Inkwell".

The world of Evgeny Krylov's paintings is incredibly diverse. He literally grows from the life of materials: some sheets are born from a spot of paint or a coffee blot, which, like a magic log, suddenly spoke to the author. The stain as the subconscious basis of everything is of particular interest to the author. This naive, semi-automatic method combined with a perfected technique of drawing and a sense of composition proved incredibly fruitful. And so the bizarre fairy-tale plants left the plane of the sheet to be embodied first in wax and then in bronze. People-moths, alrauns, leprechauns, revived stubs, sylphs and dwarves - products of folk fantasy, displaced by modern urban culture to the pages of books - in the works of Evgeny Krylov once again assert themselves. Behind a certain comicality of the characters there is an awe-struck look of the author at the inexhaustible variety of natural colors and shapes - a look at simple things through his own magical prism.

Evgeny Krylov is a tireless experimental artist who works with various materials and techniques. He describes his art with one word - the meaningful "there...". This adverb indicates some mysterious place like a beautiful land of blooming lemon groves from a song by Goethe. However, it may also conceal a dungeon of the subconscious, teeming with ghostly images. Be that as it may, we are talking about a twoworld. It is present not only in the professional activity, but also in the author's life. Living between Hannover and St. Petersburg, the artist is engaged in urban environment issues, working with sculpture and objects, then his own painting projects, then strictly office experiments with old postcards, ink and watercolor.

Prepared according to the materials of the official website Erarta Museum of Contemporary Art.