Jeff Cowan

L'exposition 1 septembre − 24 octobre 2021
Moscow Museum of Modern Art together with MAP Collection, Eric Schlosser and Michael Werner Gallery present the first solo exhibition of the American photographer in Russia Jeff Cowan.

The exhibition includes more than 170 selected works by the author - blurry, misty shots, abstract collages, and twilight landscapes that shed light on Cowan's work.

Having developed his own principles and techniques of working with the material surface of the photograph, Cowan with an unyielding aestheticism turns anew to the archaeology of the oneiric, to shadowy images of otherworldly spaces, ruins and mirages. Looking at Cohen's portraits, which radiate an almost supernatural glow, the viewer is more inclined to recognize in them characters from plays by Henrik Ibsen or stories by James Joyce than our contemporaries. Inaccessible, distant, these characters only reinforce the theatrical stage - or even cinematic - atmosphere of timelessness inherent in Cowan's artistic myth. Another of its peculiarities is the character of incompleteness, which the author always singles out and emphasizes as one of the most important, the constant process of transformation, the semi-magical metamorphosis of chance into event.

Prepared according to the materials of the official website Moscow Museum of Modern Art.