Collector Paul Signac

L'exposition 12 octobre 2021 − 13 février 2022
The Musée d'Orsay is holding an exhibition "Collector Paul Signac.".

Over the last fifteen years, collecting has attracted increased interest and has been the source of numerous studies, publications and exhibitions. Visitors will become acquainted with the collection of Paul Signac, reflecting the outlook and predilections of a painter who was very active on the art scene of his time.

Collaboration with Signac's archives, which, in addition to the artist's correspondence, contain the notebooks in which he recorded his purchases, allows for an accurate inventory of the paintings, drawings and prints he owned. Self-taught, Signac studied and mastered painting by examining works by the Impressionists, notably Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, Gustave Caibotte or Armand Guillaume, most of which are present in his collection. The artist's first acquisition was a landscape by Paul Cézanne.

Prepared according to the materials of the website at the Musee d'Orsay.