Ruggero Savinio. Opera 1959-2022

L'exposition 26 mai − 4 septembre 2022
An exhibition opened at the Palazzo Reale Art Museum of the Royal Palace in Milan "Ruggiero Savinio. Opera 1959-2022.".

This is a large anthology of the work of Ruggero Savinio, one of the three members of the "creative family" de Chirico, bringing together paintings and drawings illustrating all stages of the author's artistic activity - from the 1960s to the early 2020s.

Savinio, according to him, sought to achieve a pictorial "absolute," devoid of any other possible connotations, able to look at the masters of the past with the freshness of a new look from modernity. This is why it was decided to present Savinio as if his paintings had been created specifically for the ten rooms of a neoclassical palace, among stucco, mirrors and velvet, to recall how his quest was constantly coming to terms with the ideal museum of painting.

Prepared according to the materials of the museum site Palazzo Reale, Milan.