A series of "Disparates" [Nonsense], sheet 01: Female stupidity

Francisco Goya • Graphique, 1819, 24.3×35.3 cm
À propos de l'œuvre
Sujet et objets: Scène de genre
Technique: Eau-forte, Aquatinte
Ressources: Papier
Date de création: 1819
Taille: 24.3×35.3 cm
Œuvre dans les sélections: 9 selections
Pour le moment cette œuvre n'a pas de descriptif. Il est possible qu'il apparaisse plus tard. Suivez les mises à jour dans Artchive.
Other artworks by this artist
The series "disasters of war", page 24: They can still serve
The series "disasters of war", page 24: They can still serve
1814, 15.8×25.4 cm
Series "Caprichos," sheet 1: Francisco Goya and Lucientes, painter
Series "Caprichos," sheet 1: Francisco Goya and Lucientes, painter
1797, 21.5×15 cm
The pattern for a series of etchings Caprichos: a Woman with a naked sword and head Modern Judith
The pattern for a series of etchings Caprichos: a Woman with a naked sword and head Modern Judith
1797, 21.5×15.5 cm
Mahi on the balcony
Mahi on the balcony
1814, 194.9×125.7 cm
Cycle of paintings "the Horrors of war." The visit of the monk
Cycle of paintings "the Horrors of war." The visit of the monk
1810, 40×32 cm
Digital copy
The series "disasters of war", page 19: it's Too late
The series "disasters of war", page 19: it's Too late
1814, 16.5×23.5 cm
A series of gloomy pictures: Pilgrims
A series of gloomy pictures: Pilgrims
1823, 33×57.5 cm
Digital copy
1816, 85×130 cm
Digital copy
Une série de peintures sombres. Saturne dévorant ses enfants
Une série de peintures sombres. Saturne dévorant ses enfants
1823, 146×83 cm
Digital copy
1799, 21×16 cm
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