Pair of shoes

Vincent van Gogh • Peinture, Août 1888, 44×53 cm
Digital copy: 3.2 MB
3839 × 3210 px • JPEG
42.5 × 35.3 cm • 229 dpi
65.0 × 54.4 cm • 150 dpi
32.5 × 27.2 cm • 300 dpi
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À propos de l'œuvre
Type d'art: Peinture
Sujet et objets: Nature morte
Courant artistique: Post Impressionnisme
Technique: Le beurre
Ressources: La toile
Date de création: Août 1888
Taille: 44×53 cm
Œuvre dans les sélections: 26 selections
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Descriptif de la toile «Pair of shoes»

In 1886 began a new period of creative life of van Gogh, one of the most fruitful and important for its formation as an artist. He left Antwerp, he realized that further creative development in the Netherlands is impossible, and moved to Paris. Familiarity with the Impressionists and the art Studio, studying Japanese painting has left its imprint on the work of the painter. In his paintings appeared bright juicy colors and the special manner of transfer of the airspace. Van Gogh finally left realism, characteristic of the Dutch school of painting.

Here was written the famous series of shoes, mainly the poor. Of direct relevance to this cycle van Gogh painting "Pair of shoes"the description of which is presented here, refers to arlezianka period. Creating paintings depicting ragged worn-out shoes of the poor, Vincent turns to one of his favorite themes: the lives of ordinary people, their hard life. In addition, many researchers consider his works as a reflection of the inner world of the artist. It is unknown whose shoes depicted in the painting van Gogh's "Pair of shoes": some of the inhabitants of Arles, bought at a flea market or belonged to him. But they may well serve as a symbol of hardship and suffering bore their man. Not new, made in the form of their owner's feet, covered with fractures as wrinkles, boots clearly just been removed and carelessly thrown on the floor. Apparently, the owner walked in the rain or on wet grass: this is evidenced by the puddle, Natacha on the floor. They cannot be seen as just an object, faceless and inanimate, as they are witnesses, though silent, everything that happened during the day with their host.

Still lifes with shoes story resonate with the famous painting "the potato Eaters", continue the theme: there is a feeling that worn shoes are belong to the heroes of the paintings. The painting by van Gogh created in Arles, is a rather more personal relevance to the artist: "Pair of shoes" is written in a different manner and a different setting. This work differs markedly from the first in this series clearly shows the influence of impressionism, the painter uses the techniques and knowledge acquired during a stay in Paris.

Most likely, the background for this still life was a floor in the "Yellow house" — a failed project of Vincent, became yet another disappointment in his life. The idea of creating a workshop in the South, in Provence, failed. The saddest thing is that her discussion with Gauguin, which was intended important role in the future of the Studio, ended in a quarrel, injury and a further stay of Vincent in the hospital. All these events happened after the painting of van Gogh's "Pair of shoes", but it can be considered as a symbolic canvas: shoes, taken after a hard day's work was done together with the owner a long way, but it is not known whether this way is correct.
Other artworks by this artist
Septiembre 1889, 61×50 cm
Digital copy
Enclosed Field with Ploughman. Saint-Rémy
Enclosed Field with Ploughman. Saint-Rémy
Agosto 1889, 50.3×64.9 cm
Digital copy
Mar en sant mari
Mar en sant mari
Junio 1888, 44.5×54.5 cm
Digital copy
Large plane trees (Road workers in Saint-Rémy)
Large plane trees (Road workers in Saint-Rémy)
Noviembre 1889, 73.4×91.8 cm
Digital copy
Pietà (The Lamentation Of Jesus Christ)
Pietà (The Lamentation Of Jesus Christ)
Septiembre 1889, 73×60.5 cm
Night cafe in Arles
Night cafe in Arles
Septiembre 1888, 80.7×65 cm
Digital copy
Diciembre 1888, 63×54 cm
Portrait of the postman Joseph Roulin
Portrait of the postman Joseph Roulin
Agosto 1888, 91.2×65.3 cm
Digital copy
Cineraria in a flowerpot
Cineraria in a flowerpot
Agosto 1886, 54.5×46 cm
Digital copy
The big market in Antwerp
The big market in Antwerp
Diciembre 1885, 22.6×30.1 cm
Digital copy
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