Agostina Segatori in the cafe "Tambourine"

Vincent van Gogh • Peinture, Mars 1887, 55.5×46.5 cm
Digital copy: 4.2 MB
4000 × 4824 px • JPEG
35.3 × 42.1 cm • 288 dpi
67.7 × 81.7 cm • 150 dpi
33.9 × 40.8 cm • 300 dpi
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À propos de l'œuvre
Type d'art: Peinture
Sujet et objets: Portrait, Scène de genre
Courant artistique: Post Impressionnisme
Technique: Le beurre
Ressources: La toile
Date de création: Mars 1887
Taille: 55.5×46.5 cm
Œuvre dans les sélections: 35 selections
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Descriptif de la toile «Agostina Segatori in the cafe "Tambourine"»

In 1886, Vincent left his native country and moved to Paris, "under the wing" to the beloved brother Theo. The latter was not too happy about this turn of events, but considered it his duty always and everywhere to support Vincent. Theo drove his brother in a Bohemian institution, acquainted with young and promising artists and has continued to provide it with all necessary for painting. Together the brothers became interested in Japanese painting and became an obsession to buy prints and gifts. Many of the works of van Gogh in that period are of a Japanese print, these include the portrait "Agostina Segatori in the cafe "Tambourine".

Lush Italian Agostina Segatori, which opened on the Boulevard de Clichy restaurant-cabaret for artists, was also the Muse and model of the Paris painters, not burdened with riches. In addition to "brand" the tables and chairs in the shape of tambourines cabaret distinguished notoriety, and decent people avoided it. But for the poor artists "Tambourine" became a second home. Burning southern appearance Agostini allowed them to turn her into the heroine of a variety of exotic subjects. And, of course, many of the artists were delighted to have with a woman, and a much more intimate relationship, and she often graciously took their courtship. Fell victim to her charms and Vincent. Mature woman, whose face bore the imprint of a rich life experience was completely to his taste. They had a short and passionate affair. On one of the paintings van Gogh Agostina is depicted fully Nudeth, shamelessly lying on the bed. The finished canvas face blurred, but preliminary sketch leaves no doubt as to the identity of the model.

At the beginning of the Japanese period, van Gogh made copies of the engravings, and later he began to write in this style. His work Vincent was very proud of, and even staged an exhibition in the "Tambourine". One of them can be seen behind the woman in this portrait Agostini. In addition, the chair next to it is a Japanese umbrella, most likely donated by Vincent.

Author: Eugene Sidelnikov