Arakelovich Arakelyan

Armenia • 1884−1942

Biografia e informazioni

Arakelyan Sedrak A. [17(29).12.1884, C. Gauk, Azerbaijan 6.3.1942, Yerevan].

Soviet painter, honored artist of Armenian SSR (1935).

Graduated (1916) the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture, where he studied with S. V. Ivanov, K. A. Korovin and A. Arkhipov.

Author lyrical landscapes and genre and landscape paintings.

Works: "Old market in Yerevan" (1921), "Monastery on lake Sevan" (1925), "At the spring" (1928), "Culture in the mountains" (1936), "Zangezur. Old Goris" (1940) - everything in the Picture gallery of Armenia, Yerevan; "picking cotton on a collective farm fields" (1930, Tretyakov gallery).

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  • Artworks in 1 collection and 1 selection
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  • Soggetti
    Ritratto, Pittura di genere
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