Oscar Gustav

Sweden • 1860−1929
Oscar Bjork (Swede. Oscar Gustaf Björck, January 15, 1860, Stockholm - December 5, 1929, Stockholm). Swedish artist, portrait painter, professor of the Academy of Fine Arts. One of the participants of the Skagen school of painting.

Features of the artist Oscar Björk: Björk is known as a portrait painter, but he did not limit himself to just this direction. In his works the artist was influenced Georg von Rosen, and later - Skagen painters, especially Croeier. He strove for realism and plein-air painting, but he never openly opposed official academicism. Historians point out the special virtuosity of his writing and hard work.

Famous paintings by artist Oscar Björk: "Boat in the sea", "Portrait of Oscar II", «Self-portrait».

Oscar Gustav Bjork was born in Stockholm. He studied painting at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts under Edward Perseus. Here he wrote several of his works on biblical topics that interested him in this period. For the painting "The Return of the Prodigal Son", he was awarded the Royal Medal.

Oskar Bjork was married to Ingrid Boklund, and they had two daughters: Maria and Ingrid.

In 1883, Bjork set out on a pensioner's journey from the Academy. Winter 1883-1884 He spent Paris, and the next - in Munich. Here he seriously began to study portraits. A visit to Rome and Venice turned him towards urban landscapes, but Björk constantly returns to his favorite genres: portraits and biblical scenes.

Oscar Björk spent several summer seasons in Skagen, a fishing village in the north of Denmark. These visits did not pass without a trace for his work. Artists gathered here who opposed the Academy of Arts and called for writing wildlife and simple life. They were a kind of Danish Barbizon. For the first time Bjork was there in July 1882. He became friends with many artists and especially P. S. Kreyer. He was last in Skagen in 1888, and on this visit, Krøyer captured him in his painting. "Hyp-hip-hurray!" - a feast in the garden of Skagen artists Anchors. Bjorka is easy to find there - he is the only one with a hat.

After the last summer in Skagen, Björk settled in Stockholm, where he continued to work on portraits. He wrote mostly representatives of the middle class, however, during this period he created several portraits of King Oscar II, Prince Eugen and Crown Prince Gustav.

Since 1889, the artist became a member of the Academy of Fine Arts, where he began teaching practice. In Stockholm, inspired by the works Arnold Becklin and Franz von Stuck, he performed 10 canvases for the Operakällaren opera restaurant. They depict bathing nymphs, satires and fauns. Frankness and eroticism in the portrayal of heroes caused resentment and disputes between the church, parliament and the creative community of Sweden. However, the revival was pacified by the king himself, ingeniously suggesting making reeds higher. The proposal did not please the artist, but he was forced to submit.

Björk’s researchers note that most of his paintings - portraits, genre scenes and landscapes - are masterfully painted, and in his works it is difficult to find any opposition to public opinion or the style generally accepted at that time.

Author: Lyudmila Lebedeva

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