Italian midday ( Italian, removing grapes )

Karl Bryullov • Painting, 1827, 64×55 cm
Digital copy: 1.0 MB
1500 × 1766 px • JPEG
35.3 × 41.1 cm • 108 dpi
25.4 × 29.9 cm • 150 dpi
12.7 × 15.0 cm • 300 dpi
Digital copy is a high resolution file, downloaded by the artist or artist's representative. The price also includes the right for a single reproduction of the artwork in digital or printed form.
About the artwork
Art form: Painting
Subject and objects: Portrait, Genre scene
Style of art: Romanticism
Technique: Oil
Materials: Canvas
Date of creation: 1827
Size: 64×55 cm
Artwork in selections: 48 selections
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Description of the artwork «Italian midday ( Italian, removing grapes )»

The painting "Italian midday" (oil on canvas) is one of the most famous canvases of the painter. There is a pair to "Noon" artwork "Italian morning" was created in 1823 and was presented to Alexandra Feodorovna, wife of Emperor Nicholas I. In these works, there are many similarities: the intimate landscape, framed by foliage, the play of light, softness separated from the background a-line silhouette... the Key motifs of the composition are mapped by mirror principle: the figure is tilted down or stretching up; back or face to the light source.

In 1825, the society enthusiastically welcomed the first of the completed Italy of the artist's canvases "Italian morning", and the Emperor wished to Supplement his steam picture, what was the reason for the creation of "Italian midday" by Karl Briullov. In this work the first time there is a favorite painter of the type of simple female beauty. The society for the encouragement of artists cool enough to have met this work, which was presented during exhibition in St. Petersburg and received a number of disapproving responses of critics: they believed that the model itself does not have grace, does not meet the generally accepted concepts of beauty. There are several versions of the painting. The one that is in the Tretyakov gallery, more restrained, uslovnoe, and the model depicted in the painting "Italian midday" more like not a real woman, and the antique maenad accompanying Bacchus.

The girl sees the excellent bunch of grapes and admires the bounty of nature. This is the plot of the Great Charles "Italian midday". The light of the sun, filling the berries from the inside, is also reflected in the expressive brown eyes beauties, and barely noticeable blush on her cheeks emphasizes striking the profundity and freshness of youth. Velvet brown skin tinted with a white blouse. Virgin absorbed the rays of the scorching sun, as if lit from within.

Rich green grapes, dark stairs, a wicker basket – all of these items are "Italian afternoon" by artist Karl Briullov emphasize the brightness of the summer sun, the charm of an Italian afternoon. Girl, bunch of grapes and light intertwine in a magical harmony that is characteristic of all the works of K. Briullov.