Dali in Magritte. Nadrealistični dialog

Exhibition 11 October 2019 − 9 February 2020
Belgijski kraljevi muzeji likovnih umetnosti predstavljajo razstavo "Dali in Magritte. Nadrealistični dialog"

Dali in Magritte si prizadevata izzvati resničnost, podvomiti v naš pogled in se otresti zaupanja.

Razstava razkriva osebne, filozofske in estetske povezave teh dveh ikoničnih umetnikov skozi več kot 100 slik, kipov, fotografij, risb in filmov.
René Magritte. Bath in a glass
Bath in a glass
1946, 48.5×34 cm
Salvador Dali. The path of the mysteries
The path of the mysteries
1981, 139×94 cm
Salvador Dali. Desire
1929, 22×35 cm
René Magritte. The key to the fields
The key to the fields
1936, 80×60 cm
René Magritte. The Annunciation
The Annunciation
1930, 113.7×145.9 cm
Salvador Dali. Temptation of St. Anthony
Temptation of St. Anthony
1946, 89.5×119.5 cm
Salvador Dali. Excrementory the object functioning symbolically (replica 1973)
Excrementory the object functioning symbolically (replica 1973)
1931, 48.3×27.9 cm
All artworks at the exhibition

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