
Personal exhibition of Elvira Isayeva. Painting

Виставка 9 − 18 лютого 2023
Elvira Isayeva was born and raised in Karelia. She had an affinity for creativity since childhood, especially for painting. She graduated from the Art Department of the Pedagogical College in Petrozavodsk. But. Then, due to life circumstances, there was a break of several years in creativity.
It was the city that fixed the situation. At one point it became the impetus that encouraged her to create again. It happened in 2006, when the artist moved to St. Petersburg.

The beauty and sensuality of this city encouraged her to take up her brush again and to splash out on the canvases her languishing need to express herself in art. At the same time Elvira Isayeva participated in exhibitions and joined the Union of Russian Artists.

To this day, creativity and painting for her is a separate, magical world, without which life loses its brightness. And you can get acquainted with this world of fantasy at a solo exhibition from February 9 to 18 at the Center for Books and Graphics.
Address: Liteiny prospect, 55,
Opening hours of the Center for Books and Graphics: from 10:00 to 20:00 daily

Галереї на виставці