Vladimirovich Zagryadtsky

Russia • Moscow and Moscow Oblast • 出生于 1959 • 画家
Born in Gorky in 1959. In 1964 with his parents, sent to work in Moldova, he moved to Kishinev. In parallel with general education schools studied and graduated from the art school named after Creanga. Creanga.
In 1977 I entered the S. Lazo University at the Department of Architecture. I was taught drawing and painting by Nikolai Bolshakov, head of the Department of Drawing and Painting, a graduate of the Leningrad Academy of Arts. As I was familiar with him even before entering the university, I had previously studied graphics and oil and tempera painting with him.
After graduating from the University and working as an architect-restorer at SNRSPC, I continued to work in graphics and painting, fulfilling private commissions.
By invitation worked as a movie artist at Moldova-Film studio. I have four works in movies.
Currently working in the field of architectural design, I continue to work in graphics and painting. Mainly fulfilling private commissions.
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Igor Vladimirovich Zagryadtsky