Evmen'evich Savinsky

Russia • 1859−1937

He graduated from Petersburg. AH (1882), favorite student and friend of PP Chistyakov. From 1888 he taught at the Center. uch-shche tech. drawing of A.L. Stiglits in Petersburg, in 1911-30 professor of the Academy of Arts - Leningrad. VHUTEIN. Picturesque canvases "Ill Prince of Pozharsky receives Moscow ambassadors" (1882), "Judith and Holofernes" (1889), "Portrait of a Daughter" (1907), "Portrait of Chistyakov" (1916), watercolors, drawings, etc. works.

The author of historical paintings and a wonderful portrait painter Vasily Evmenievich Savinsky was a native Petersburger. He realizes his passion for the visual arts at the Academy of Fine Arts, where he studied from 1875 to 1882 and where he consistently received silver and gold medals for his studies. V. Savinsky receives a small gold medal in 1881 for the program "A Volcano Chains Prometheus to the Rock of the Caucasus, washed by the waves in the presence of force and power." The diploma work, as they would say in our time, "Nizhny Novgorod Ambassadors to Prince Dmitry Pozharsky" brought the young painter (1882) fame, a large gold medal, the title of a first-class artist class and a six-year (1882-1888) retirement trip abroad. In 1889, at the academic exhibition of V.E. Savinsky demonstrates the painting "Judith and Holoferne" brought from abroad. The artist and in the subsequent creativity wrote on historical, mythological and biblical themes. Great success enjoyed portraits made Savinsky. From the works of this genre of various years can be called: "Portrait of the artist PP Chistyakov" (1916), "Portrait of TP Platunova" (1923), "Woman in a colorful shawl" (1931). In 1906, the painter was elected an academician and a member of the Academy of Arts.

Great merit V.E. Savinsky in the education of many domestic, among them Soviet, artists. He worked as a teacher at the Drawing School of Baron Stiglitz, and in 1911 he became a professor at the Higher Art School at the Academy of Arts. In Soviet times - the leading teacher of the Higher art and technical workshops (Higher Art and Technical Institute).

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