1(13).7.1869, a Large Salt Posad, Kostroma province, now the village of Nekrasovskoye, Yaroslavl region, - 5.2.1938, Riga], Russian painter.
Member Of The Imperial St. Petersburg Academy Of Arts (1916). Awarded the title of class artist (1888).
Since 1880 he studied at MUZHVZ (Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture) at the legendary V. E. Makovsky, V. D. Polenov, I. Pryanishnikov. In 1889 he trained at St. Petersburg Imperial Academy of Arts at BP Villevalde and K. B. Venig. In 1989 he was accepted into the Association of mobile art exhibitions.
In 1903 became one of the founders and subsequently Director of the Union of Russian Artists (srkh), the organization, the program of which was characterized by a democratic orientation, interest in Russian nature and identity of national life. A special place in the work of Sergei Vinogradov held landscape. His most interesting work, done in the style of the CPX, in which the artist sought to avoid saratovsko-levitanovskoy landscape tradition, to learn the lessons of impressionism.
Participated in exhibitions in düsseldorf (1904), Paris (1906), Berlin (1907), Munich (1909, 1913), Prague (1914), new York (1924), Riga (1925, 1935, 1936, 1937).
The work of Sergei Vinogradov presented in the State Tretyakov Gallery, State Russian Museum, Tver picture gallery, and other major museums of Russia.
Sergey Arsenievich Vinogradov was born on 13 Jul 1869 in the village of Great Salt Kostroma province in the family of a village priest.
He studied at the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture (1880 – 1889) I. M. Pryashnikova, V. E. Makovsky, V. D. Polenov, St. Petersburg Academy of arts (1889) at BP Villevalde and K. B. Venig.
Particularly influenced his style of writing V. D. Polenov that allowed Vinogradov to find the landscape of his own subject – plein air with the effects, as a rule, the sunset lighting. After the early, mostly genre paintings, 1900 – 1910-e years the artist focused on the landscape in the spirit of impressionism. In 1889 he received the title of class artist, 1912 - academician, since 1916 - member of the Academy of arts. Taught at the Stroganov school of industrial art in Moscow, in Kharkov, and Riga.
Creative and, as a consequence, the exhibition of his life was very active. He was a participant of exhibitions: "the Association of traveling exhibitions" (1892 – 1901), "Moscow Association of artists" (1894 – 1895), "36 artists" (1901 – 1902), World of art (B. 1901 – 1903), "Union of Russian artists" (1903 and 1906 – 1923) and foreign (1906 - Paris; 1907 - Berlin).
The work of this one of the most talented and prosperous on the fate of Russian artists, located in the Saratov state art Museum named after A. N. Radishshev relate to the period of his work in the Association "Union of Russian artists", the creation of which he took a considerable part in 1903 of Artists of the "Union" combined orientation on the achievements of painting of V. D. Polenov, and I. I. Levitan. They rallied not only the proximity of the subjects, the types of old Russian towns, villages, estates, houses but also famous scenic unity of the system. Their impressionism were primarily national identity.
Cultivating the achievements of plein air, capturing the variability of the life of nature with the possible accuracy by activating the expression manners, colors, texture features, they remained faithful to the lyrical and poetic stream prevailing in the Russian landscape of the second half of the XIX century.
The "village" of S. A. Vinogradov 1915 is of a sketchy character: in fact, this is a great study of average paintings, full of dazzling light and sparkling brilliance, so the pictured bright spring day. Gleams of the spring sun lie on the roofs of houses, logs, more transparent crowns of trees. Colors are bright and saturated. Work literally mesmerizing bravura life-affirming experience of natural motive. Vinogradov follows here is not so much Levitan, Arkhipov much.
Compared to a few sketchy painting "the Village" the second Vynohradiv landscape "Spring is coming" (1911) has a deep well thought out imaginative solutions and a high degree of completeness. Is a software canvas, full of inner significance, is clearly focused on the establishment of high poetry of the Russian estate Empire. This experience contributes not only to the architectural elements introduced in the landscape, but also a clear graphic painting of the landscape based on the contrast of dark green, brown, black crowns and trunks of trees and white snow have already melted.
The third picture by S. A. Vinogradov in the collection of the Radishchev Museum is the interior. It is somewhat retrospective in nature. His work "In the house" features the same bright, cheerful mood that his "Village". Painting is a kind of synthesis of interior and landscape: the walls and furniture in the rooms shown in the picture Vinogradova include the outside world, emphasized open, facing the outside world, to the garden where the house stands. Nature freely "flows" through it, giving an overall emotional setting. Wins pure plein air, sensually tangible element. The interior majeure and full of joyful assertion of life today.
1924 S. A. Vinogradov has lived and worked in Riga, where he established his own art school. He died on 5 Feb 1938.
(author: Nadezhda Grishina)
A summer day. CrimeaSergey Arsenievich Vinogradov a la selección
Sergey Arsenievich Vinogradov (1869-1938)