Grigorievna Anischenko

Russia • 出生于 1948


He graduated from the Leningrad College of industrial arts. V. I. Mukhina (faculty of industrial arts) in 1975. 1980-98. the artist section graphic design KHR Khimki. Member of the USSR Union since 1984 Member of the Ministry of agriculture since 2000, 1990-93 he was organizer and head of the center "Design fashion" in the Soviet Association "art Gallery friendship of peoples". Since 1998 – member of the International Symmetry Association ISA. Participant of exhibitions, interdisciplinary conferences and festivals in Russia and abroad. Working in the field of experimental design and modeling in architecture and design. Is a graphic and geometric art. Works are in private collections. Represented in the directory CX MDI MOA, 2008.

  • 教育