Valdemarovich Anson

Russia • 1888−1935

(1888.8.IV Riga – 1935.16.XI Riga)

Janis Waldemar Ansons studied at the art school V. bloom and in the workshops of handicraft art R. Peterson. In 1909 the artist graduated from the Riga school of crafts, in 1911 – the Riga city school of art, where he studied under V. Purvitis, J. Rozentals, and B. Borchert. In 1921, J. V., Hansons has been improved in Munich and of the Berlin Academy of arts. In turn, in 1922, he was a graduate of the Latvian Academy of arts.

The artist worked as a draftsman and technician in the Department of rural development of the Ministry of Agriculture (1918 – 21), was assistant Director of the Riga city Museum of arts of V. Purvitis (1921 – 26) and his assistant in the Studio of the fine arts faculty of Architecture at the University of Latvia (1922 – 35). In 1929, a few years Y. V., Antons worked as a teacher at the Riga city school of crafts.

In exhibitions the artist has participated since 1911.

He was one of the founders of the society of Independent artists, 1921 – an active participant of exhibitions and member of the Board, and in 1923 – 25 years represented the society in the Artistic Council of the Ministry of education.


“Māksla un arhitektūra biogrāfijās” Atb. red. A. Vilsons – Riga, 1995 – 1.sēj.

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