The Dean of the art faculty of the University of cinematography. 11 Dec 2009 decree of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev for achievements in the field of fine arts Valery Arkhipov was awarded the title "Honored artist of Russia".
He was born in 1961. He graduated from LJMU them. V. T. Mukhina, and cinematography them. S. A. Gerasimov. Since 1993 member of Moscow Union of artists. From 1999 – head of the Department of painting and drawing at the art faculty of VGIK, associate Professor. Currently combines teaching activities with the work of art Director at the Studio "Mosfilm". Participated in the creation of more than 20 films. Among them such as "Pushkin" by T. Palmer, "the Letter" by H. Keller, "the Seagull" by M. Terekhova, "Cadets" S. A. and others. The film "the Prize – a space flight," directed by A. Sorokin (2000) won the Special prize of the jury of the film festival "Hundred flowers" (China). The film "playing the victim" directed by K. Serebryannikov (2006) won the Main prize of the First Rome film festival "Silver Marcus Aurelius". Today the artist's works are in private collections abroad, in museums including the State Museum of A. S. Pushkin, the Museum of history of Moscow. His solo exhibitions in Italy, Germany, France, America, Iran, Lebanon brought him wide international acclaim and many prestigious prizes and awards, including the Grand Prix at the International exhibition of graphics in Tregastel in 1996 and 1997, the title of the laureate of the International art exhibition in San Rafael.
Große Wäsche 1996Valery Valentinovich Arkhipov zur Sammlung
Valeriy Arkhipov