Mikhailovich Bobrovsky

Russia • 1873−1942


Student of the Academy of Arts from 1893 to 1900 y. 21 Dec 1895 received the title of class artist; November 2, 1900 the title of the artist for the painting "Evening". (Kondakov)

Painter. Born 17 (29) February 1873 in Vitebsk, died in 1942 in Leningrad. He studied at the Academy of fine arts since 1893 at I. Repin and graduated in 1900 with the title of artist for the painting "Evening". In 1916 he received the title of academician. In 1920-30-ies performed works: "early spring" (1922), "Night at sea" (1923), "the Road" (1927), "Build" (1932), "Winter-watering" (1933). Bobrovsky works were exhibited at exhibitions in Munich (1911, 1913 - small and large gold medal), new York (1924) etc. the Exhibition of his works took place in 1947 (Leningrad). Bobrovsky taught at the Drawing school of the Society for the encouragement of artists in St. Petersburg (1905-1917), Whose. Since 1921 - Professor.

G. M. Bobrovsky is one of the founders of the Union of Russian artists, was familiar Bitter and his entourage. He wrote to F. Shalyapin and S. Roerich, F. as Bogorodskaya, K. Korovin, A. Silovym, K. Gorbatov, I. Brodsky, etc., G. M. Bobrovsky is not unheard of in the letters of Gorky. He worked in 1910-e years on Capri, Gorky wrote Capri landscapes. Three drawings with a view of Capri are in the Museum of A. Gorky. His painting "Isle of Capri" was exhibited in 1913 at the exhibition of paintings "Union of Russian artists". Participated in the international exhibition in Rome in March 1911. Together with I. Repin, S. Nesterov, Serov, V. Surikov, A. Vasnetsov, I. Grabar, S. Konenkov has participated in other major international exhibitions. Bobrovsky works are in State Russian Museum, the museums of St. Petersburg, Latvia and etc. And now part of his legacy there is in Perm.

  • 艺术家协会
  • 教育
  • 老师
  • 学生