Egorovich Bolotskikh

Russia • 出生于 1933

Born in the village Uspenka of the Oryol region, member. CX USSR (1976), was elected corresponding member. of the Board of CASH. In 1955 he graduated from the Urals. Uch-school of applied art. Tagil. Lived and worked in Tuva ed. the Republic of (Kyzyl), 1963 – in Person. Party mountains., region, zones., Rep., proceedings of all-Union. of arts. exhibitions, as well as foreign.: “Theatre des Capucines” (Luxembourg, 1999); the 12-th and 13-th Intern. exhibitions of present-day. art in Libramont (Belgium, 1999, 2000); exhibition “Brandenburg–Luxembourg” (2001); exhibitions in the Pushkin centre (Luxembourg, 2001); exhibitions in Winseler (Monaco, 2001). Most of the work of B. – landscapes of the South. Of the Urals. Artist interested motives, striking the imagination of the viewer: mountain panoramas, quaint trees, Majesties. architecture, Etc. Russia. Paintings by B. is included in the collections grew. museums are in private collections in Russia and abroad: England, Germany, USA, France and Japan. At the request of bi-Bi-si B. made the picture “Moscow on seven hills”.

(the author, T. A., Mamykina)

Lit.: B a th n o V L. P. the Artists of Chelyabinsk. H, 1979; Ivan Bolotskikh. Painting: Cat. CH., 1986; Kazakov G. journey to the Crimea // CHR. 1988. March 1; M a m s K I n and His landscapes give strength // HF. 1993. 10 St.; G o n C h a -R o V a M. Russian landscapes // Command (H). 1993. Sep 11.

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