Ivanovich Gebens

Russia • 1819−1888

Born in the city of Alpine (Germany) on 19 Mar 1819. Teaching painting the future artist began at the Berlin Academy, but soon moved to Paris, where from 1839 to 1840 learned the secrets of mastery under the guidance of the famous historical painter P. Delaroche. Then there was the internship in Italy (1842-1844), after which Gebens lived and worked in Danzig (Gdansk). From students of the period know a few of the paintings - "the Man in the area of Berlin" (1836), "Landscape with cows" (1839 - 1840) and several portraits.

In 1844, a 25-year-old Gebens arrived in Russia and immediately got the order copies of portraits of Empress Elizabeth and Grand Duchess Alexandra Nikolaevna (1825 - 1844), daughter of Emperor Nicholas I Romanov gallery of the Winter Palace.

In 1848, the artist began to teach painting at the drawing school of the Imperial society for the encouragement of arts, and in the same year by the order's Own office of His Imperial Majesty, Gebens beginning to work on his picturesque Suite of the Russian army, which later received wide acclaim.

Portraits of his contemporaries, the artist presented two exhibitions of St. Petersburg Academy of arts in 1857 and 1858, however, the fame he brought not these works and series of paintings, devoted to Russian army and consisting of more than 130 paintings. The earliest of them, selected mainly scenes of soldiers ' life was vypolnennym the late 1840's and early 1850-ies. So Adolf Ebens began to search your theme in battle genre.

In 1861, the "multiple works" , not fulfilling academic programs, Gebens became an academician. However, after receiving such a high rank, the life of 42-year-old artist has changed little. In the winter he lived in St. Petersburg, and in summer, we went to the Old Peterhof, where he rented a cottage Filippov in St. Petersburg Avenue. And has always worked hard: she taught at the drawing school wrote to soldiers and officers of the Russian army.

In may 1863, Gebens received an order for the seven paintings depicting regiments of the 3rd Life guards Grenadier (Lithuanian) division and went to the place of her kvartirovaniya in Warsaw. He rode in the midst of the Polish Mateja. We don't know how was the business trip. Gebens, went to Germany and settled in Berlin at Tempelhofer Ufer, 23. However, to Warsaw, Gebens, still got and made sketches for future paintings, ordered by the Russian Emperor: three pictures with images of soldiers and officers of the Warsaw corps arrived to Russia in the course of 1864.

After this year rabotosposobnost artist explicitly subsided. It is possible that the work of Gebissa and his colleagues were gradually replaced by photography, which not only became fashionable, but was more accurate and objective in detail. Gebens have lived in Germany for 25 years and wrote all five films. He died in 1888.

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