Alexandrovich Golovchenko

Russia • 1925−2003

Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

1925, der. Knyazevo, Ufa R-n - 2003

Painter, artist of the theatre. Honored artist. In 1945-50 he studied in fine arts College, teachers Tyulkin A. E. and Lebedev, P. M, fellow student Domashnikov B. F. Scored more than 110 performances in many drama theatres of the country - in Sevastopol, Blagoveshchensk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk, Semipalatinsk, Biisk and other cities. In his work focused on the classical Russian traditions in the staging of turn of the XIX–XX centuries. After 1964, he worked in easel painting, creating portraits, landscapes, still lifes, genre scenes. From 1951-participant of exhibitions. Works are in the Art Fund of the Russian Federation, in regional museums.

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