Painter. Studied at the Stroganov Uch-school at S. Ivanov and Konstantin Korovin. From 1907 to participate in exhibitions. Member of mtkh tions (1907), "Donkey's tail" (1912), "Jack of diamonds" (1910, 1913-14), "Union of youth" (1911-14), "Tramway V" (1915), "Shop" (1916), the hen (1927-32). In 1918 a member of ISKCON. Board FROM the people's Commissariat of the RSFSR. Taught in ISKCON. VKhUTEMAS. Followed hood. the ideas of K. Malevich, M. Larionov, N. Goncharova, one time was close to the French Fauvism. Ser. 1920's from the hood. vanguard departed. The author of abstract pictorial compositions (early work), landscapes, portraits, still-lifes.
Was born in Moscow. The illegitimate son of the painter A. Savrasov. In the mid 1900s he studied at SCHU and private studios of K. A. Korovin and S. V. Ivanov. In the 1909-1910 year, traveled to Europe, been to France, Germany, Italy. Studied new French painting, in particular P. cézanne. Participant of exhibitions since 1904, frequenter of the intellectual salon K. Kracht. Member associations of the Moscow Association of artists (1904-1910), Jack of diamonds, Proletkult. Included in the group "Objective analysis" in Inhale. The Exhibitor of the exhibition "a Streetcar B", "Store", Association "Union of youth", "World of art", "Moscow salon" etal. Was friends with K. S. Malevich, with him participated in the flamboyant actions of the futurists at the Kuznetsk bridge. Followed the ideas of talented M. Larionov and N. Goncharova, the style was close to the French Fauvism. He also worked in neoprimitive and kubofuturisticheskom manner. In 1918, the artist has participated at the Moscow College IZO Narkompros, tariff and procurement committees. In 1918-1920 he taught painting in GShM. After the mid-1920s, the artist breaks with the avant-garde works in the style of socialist realism.