Vadimovna Gubanova

Russia • 出生于 1960


Thesis in the CVC - "pulkovskiy Meridian", the rating is good. The training took place at the picturesque faculty, qualification of artist-painter, teacher.

1960 - was born in the city of Ulyanovsk

1976-1979 he studied at the art school named after B. Ioganson at Institute. I. Repina, Leningrad

1986 - graduated from the Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. Repin , faculty of painting, workshop of Professor E. E. Moiseenko.

1986-1989 - member of the Youth section of the Union of artists of the USSR

1989 - member of Union of artists of the USSR

1993 - member of the International Union of artists at UNESCO

1997 - winner of the Master class International "Fund independent of arts"

The works are:

Ekaterinburg city Museum, Russia

Pskov city Museum, Russia

"Manege", St. Petersburg

  • 教育
  • 老师