Egorovich Zaitsev

Russia • 出生于 1940


Honored artist of Russia. Member of the Union of artists of Russia (1977). Member of the Board of the Moscow Association of artists (MOA) (1976). Medal Of The Russian Academy Of Arts (1975).

The diploma of the Academy of arts of the USSR (1976).

Silver medal of the Russian Academy of Arts (2004).

He graduated from Penza art College named. K. A. Savitsky (1963).

From 1968 to 1974 he studied at MGHI them. V. I. Surikov.

In 1975-1977 he worked in the Creative workshop of the USSR Academy of arts under the direction of G. M. Korzhev, and then A. P. Tkachev and S. P. Tkachev.

In 1975-1976 he taught at the Moscow state art Institute im. V. I. Surikov.

Since 1976, participant of Moscow, all-Russia and international art exhibitions.

The artist's works are in the Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum, the gallery Art prima, in many regional museums, in private collections in Russia and abroad.