Ivanovich Zakolodin-Mitin

Russia • 1892−1956

Painter. A member of the RCP(b) since 1918. Graduated from Moscow. The vkhutein (1926), a disciple of K. Korovin. Lived in Moscow, 1930 in Leningrad. Participated in exhibitions since 1929. A member of AHRR. He taught in the hood. universities, and from 1939 Professor, in 1937, acting Director of arts in Leningrad. Thematic paintings (including "the Oct. Revolution", 1933, "Bazaar", 1934; "Demonstration at the bridge of Lieutenant Schmidt", 1935; "the Gunners", 1943; "the Leningrad blockade", 1947), landscapes, still lifes, murals, etc.

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