Alekseevich Vladimirov

Russia • 1869−1947

Born in Vilna in Belarus, lived and worked there and in St. Petersburg-Leningrad. I was in the Crimea and the Caucasus. He studied at the Vilna drawing school I. Trutnev (1888), St. Petersburg Academy of arts (1891 – 1897) of B. Villevalde, A. Kivshenko, F. Roubaud. In 1897 he worked in Paris in the workshop of A. Detaila. The artist-correspondent on the fronts of the Balkan, Japanese and First world wars. Member of artistic associations, including ORS (1913 – 1918), TPHV (1916 -1918), Society of artists to them. A. Kuindzhi, AHRR-AChRs (1923 – 1929). Honored art worker of the RSFSR (1946). Well known as a landscape painter, genre painter, master of battle and historical painting

(1869, Vilnius – 1947, Leningrad)

He studied at the Vilna drawing school I. P. Trutnev (1888), St. Petersburg Academy of arts for the battle class (1891 — 1897) from A. Kivshenko and F. Roubaud. Received medals: two small silver - 1891; small and two large silver - 1892; November 1, 1893 - the title of class artist of 2nd degree for the painting "Dressing station" November 2, 1897 - the title of the artist for the painting "the Defeat of Adigeya on the river Malka."

Vladimirov has created a large number of genre and battle pictures, as well as military sketches. He has performed as a successor of the realistic and democratic traditions of the Wanderers ("On fire", 1894; "the philanthropist", 1897; "the Mountain", 1902). Nationwide fame of the artist of battle-pieces came to Vladimirov in 1905, His painting "the Artillery boy", "On a post in Manchuria," dedicated to the Russo-Japanese war, was enthusiastically received by the audience. Not less than resounding success was the work of Vladimirov on the subject of the First Russian revolution ("barricade in Presnya", etc.).

Member of art associations ORS (1913-1918), TPHV (1916-1918), AHRR-AChRs (1923-1929), Society. A. I. Kuindzhi.

In the years of Soviet power Vladimirov one of the first to reflect the events of the October revolution and the Civil war ("Down with the eagle!", 1918; "the landing, "Aurora", 1923; "the capture of the tanks near Kakhovka", 1927; "the Elimination of Wrangel's front, 1932). Creativity Vladimirova presents, in addition to high artistic talent, special interest, because almost all of his paintings are written on the basis of direct personal observation (as a reporter for the Russian illustrated journals Vladimirov participated in the Russo-Japanese, Balkan and First world wars, and was an eyewitness to the December armed uprising in Moscow in 1905).

Honored art worker of the RSFSR (1946). Lived and worked in Vilna and St. Petersburg. Works of the artist are in the Tretyakov gallery, the Museum of contemporary history of Russia, in the Museum of the Revolution in St. Petersburg.

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