Fedorovna Kachelaeva

Russia • 出生于 1948


Born in 1948 in Moscow. Graduated mshsh at the Moscow state art Institute. Surikova. In 1973 graduated from Moscow State art Institute. Surikova. Since 1988 member of the Union of artists of the USSR. 1988 - personal exhibition in Central house of artists. In 1995 awarded the title of Honored artist of Russia. Winner of three TV-theatre festivals of the Union state prize laureate of the Moscow mayor and prize. I. M. Smoktunovsky. Works in the genres of poster, portrait painting, graphics, theatre. Since 1987, the main artist of the theater. N. In. Gogol. Participated in Moscow, Republican, Union and foreign exhibitions. The constant participant of annual exhibitions "the End of the season".

Works are in museums of Moscow and other Russian cities.

(Source: website of the Ministry of agriculture)

  • 教育