Petrovich Klodt



Mikhail Petrovich Klodt (Klodt von Klodt von) (1835, St. Petersburg — 1914, St. Petersburg) — Russian artist, painter, watercolorist, draftsman, wrote genre and historical scenes. The son of the sculptor P. K. Klodt.

Mikhail Petrovich Clodt was born in St. Petersburg 17 (29) September 1835. First engaged in A. A. Agina, and from 1852 he studied at the Academy of arts under A. T. Markov. In 1861, for the painting "the Last spring" received a gold medal and the right to pensionerstvo overseas. In 1857-1860 he worked in Paris, traveled around France together with his cousin M. K. Klodt. In 1862-1865 as a pensioner of the Academy lived in Munich. The painting "Rural beauty" and "Return from the field" received in 1867 the title of academician and in 1872 Professor. The painting "Musician" was the beginning of the meeting of P. M. Tretyakov.

Klodt was one of the founding members of the Association of traveling art exhibitions and the society of Russian watercolors. He taught at the Drawing school of the Society for the encouragement of arts (1865-1867, 1875-1913), conducted classes in watercolor at the School of Baron Stieglitz. In 1869-1871 he was a draughtsman in the expedition of the Imperial archaeological Commission on the Taman Peninsula. From 1895 to 1914 served as a restorer in the Hermitage.