
Italia • 1667−1749


Alessandro magnasco (1667, Genoa — March 19, 1749, Genoa) — Italian painter, a prominent representative of Baroque, master of the Genoese school.

Studied with his father, the artist, Stefano magnasco, then Milan, F. Abbiati. Tested the effect of S. Rosa, V. Castello, Tintoretto, Jacques Callot master of the Genoese school.

The works of magnasco made vigorous brush strokes, color — flickering, with a predominance of brown and olive tones. His work imbued with a tragic-naked feeling of the nothingness of man before the face of blind forces and social reality. Characteristic techniques of the grotesque, the unexpected contrasts. The dynamism manifested in painting techniques: the artist used a special method of drawing strokes on top of final layer. Successfully worked in different genres , but most of all he was attracted by the landscapes and domestic scenes. Wrote typical genre scenes from the lives of soldiers, monks, Gypsies. Most often, the characters depicted on the background of architecture, Roman arches, wrote of the romantic types of cities.