Mikhailovich Krimmer

Russia • 1901−1974

Graphic artist of decorative art, painter, sculptor, designer, artist of theater and cinema. He studied at the Odessa art Institute at the faculty of theatre and dekorativnoi painting (1918-1922).

In 1923, he moved to Petrograd, he attended the circle for the study of new Western painting under the guidance of Kazimir Malevich (1929)

With the 1920s, collaborated with the Leningrad publishing houses and children's magazines as an author and Illustrator who in the 1930s worked as a designer at Lenfilm; from 1948 to 1958 at the factory of art glass. In 1950-1974 - one of the leading artists of the State porcelain factory them. M. V. Lomonosov.

(1900 - 1974) graphic artist, painter, scenographer, designer, master of applied arts (glass, porcelain, ceramics), sculptor, art historian. Born in the city of Nikolaev. Since childhood, fond of drawing. In 1917-1918 he took part in the design of the performances in Nikolaev and create a fashionable in those years, major revolutionary murals. In 1918 to 1922 he studied at the faculty of theater and decorative art in Odessa Art Institute of V. N. Muller. In 1923 E. M. Krimmer, he moved to Petrograd, he went to work in the publishing house "rainbow", collaborated with the magazines "Siskin" and "Hedgehog". Illustrated children's books "Port", "About the awl, pliers and different things," Polotsky, "Where did this whale throat" by R. Kipling and others (over 30 books), was also the author and Illustrator of books-pictures "Orchestra", "House", "Barnyard", "Numbers". Formally, E. M. Krimmer was not included in any creative Union, but the number of years collaborated with Malevich, K. Rozhdestvensky, L. Yudin, N. Solinym, A. Leporsky, P. Kondratyev. At the same time, the artist has created and led the model design workshop on designing modern, functional furniture (ISORM). In 1932 he entered the Leningrad Union of artists. In 1929 - 1935 produced sketches of scenery and costumes for several theatrical productions, including performances of "Bath" (1930, HDH), "Inspector", "John reed", "Natalia Carpova" (1930-1931 gg., the theatre House of the press), "the Great life" and "New homeland" (1933, 1935, Red theatre). In 1935-1937, together with K. Rozhdestvensky and L. Yudin became involved in the design, went to work at the Leningrad and Kiev Studio, where he created sketches of scenery and costumes for the films "Big wings" and "strong boy" (the scenario Olesha). During WWII he served in the camouflage service of the air force of the Baltic fleet, made up the album of drawings "Camouflage aircraft," in these years came a series of his lithographs to "Tales" by A. S. Pushkin, "Song of the merchant Kalashnikov" by Mikhail Lermontov, for the book "Heroes" by I. Karnaukhova.

In 1948 – 1950 he worked at LSHS. Here he made more than 120 works (vases for flowers, flowers, fruits, decanters and jugs for water, Cutlery, salad bowls, condiment sets, bread baskets), each created their piece of utensils with the help of decorative techniques, the artist sought to emphasize certain structural part: the throat, the body, the base or leg. E. M. Krimmer often turned to the optical effects of glass using the bright single and double layer glass this type of decor as "pits". Performed sketches of murals, silicate paints, worked with overlaid glass, used equipment and a wide diamond face grinding, engraving.

From 1950 he worked at the factory. Among the works of E. M. Krimmer – large unique anniversary vases, lighting, including, monumental porcelain chandelier that adorned the Leningrad pavilion at the VDNKH, is a unique and tableware serial products, miniature toilet sets, samovars kettles ("tea Pair"), sculptural vessels in the traditions of folk art ("Bull", "Cock", "Bear", etc.), decorative wall formations and sculptures.

A member of the artists Union of the USSR (1932), Honored artist of the RSFSR (1967); laureate of the State prize them. I. E. Repin (1970); member of the Decorative Board of the USSR Union; Board Member of Union of artists of the RSFSR and the Leningrad Union of artists, delegate to all congresses of artists of the USSR and the RSFSR.

Member of national and international exhibitions: all-Union exhibitions of applied arts (1956, 1957, 1961), the artist was awarded with Diplomas of I degree in 1958 at the world exhibition in Brussels for the service of the "Golden loops" E. M. Krimmer received a personal "Diploma of honor" and a large Gold medal, in 1962, the International exhibition of ceramics in Prague, he was awarded a Silver medal.

The works of E. M. Krimmer graphics, sketches of scenery, glass and porcelain, art heritage (published articles, speeches at the congresses of artists, letters and manuscripts) are represented in major museums around the country – the timing belt (about 200 works), Museum of the Lomonosov porcelain factory, all-Russian decorative, Elaginoostrovsky Palace – Museum, etc.

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