Abramovich Kruchakov

Russia • 1905−1969


He graduated in 1934 Kiev art Institute. Worked in easel painting.

Born in Mariupol, Donetsk region. Initial art education has received in the Mariupol industrial-technical school. In 1928 – 1930 studied at the art courses in AHKU, in 1930 – 1935 – HHI B. Kosarev. Since 1935 he has participated in national exhibitions, presenting thematic paintings, portraits, landscapes. In 1938 – 1941 collaborated with M. Nesterov. Exhibited work in the Tretyakov gallery. Since 1944 – member of the artists Union of Uzbekistan. In 2002 and 2006 he held a solo exhibition in Kiev. Works are in museums of Ukraine, Russia, Uzbekistan and Canada.

  • 教育
  • 老师