Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.
Born in 1923 in D. Pavlivschyna, Krasnoyarsk Krai. Studied at Irkutsk art school. Participant of exhibitions since 1944 Member of the artists Union from 1946 he Studied at the Kiev art Institute. He graduated from the Odessa art College in the Studio of Professor T. B. Fraerman. Participated on 96 shows. Works are in 26 museums and art galleries in the Historical Museum and the branch of the Historical Museum of Moscow, Khakassia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Yakut, Chuvash, Mari and Museum of fine arts overseas in Singapore, France, Holland, and Finland. Awarded the medal "For valiant labour during the great Patriotic war", medal "Veteran of labour", a number of other awards and prizes, honorary diplomas. Painter, graphic artist.
(Source: website of the Moscow Union of artists)