Evgenievich Mayorov

Russia • 1946−1991

Graphic artist, painter. At the age of ten won the Grand Prix in the contest of children's drawings held in India. He studied at the Leningrad art College named. V. A. Serov, M. G. Time-Block, which greatly influenced the young man as the artist. The main theme Mayorov – Petersburg 70 – 80-ies of the last century, and its inhabitants. The artist's work was typical of seriality. Being deeply emotional, even spontaneous, the artist was able to create two or three dozen paintings, improvising infinite variations on the chosen theme. A fine stylist and a talented impersonator, he possessed a rare gift of "seeing the world through the eyes of another person". During the life of the artist is not recognized, his work was revealed after his death at the turn of the century, when he held several exhibitions of his works. Today the name of Igor Mayorov is widely known. His works are in the collections of Europe and America, in private collections, Jacques Chirac, Ted Turner, Mikhail Gorbachev, Mstislav Rostropovich, Paul McCartney, Maya Plisetskaya, Valentina Tereshkova, Nikita Mikhalkov, and other prominent figures of culture and politics.

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