Antonovich Medvedev

Russia • 1868−1954

Student of the Academy of fine Arts from 1887 to 1894 he Received medals: in 1889 - 2 silver; in 1890 - 2 silver; in 1891 1 silver; in 1892 - 2 silver; in 1894, 1 silver and the rank of class artist of the 3rd degree for the painting "ember" and "No air." (Kondakov)

Was one of the founders of the art school in Kazan. Creative and educational work in art school I osushestvlyaetsya under the control of the Academy of arts and Medvedev periodically traveled to Ilya Repin for consultation.

Medvedev twenty-five years he worked as a teacher and then a headmaster. In the years of its creation in Kazan began to build on the government money was the first in Russia a town of artists with workshops. There he built himself a house painters Medvedev, furriers, Sennikov-Speransky, who later became a theater artist and architect Myufke. These houses were allotted specialnye spaces for visiting artists and teachers. There often came for consultation to artists who lived and worked in Europe. This was Feshin. When Fechin returned from Italy to work in the school of Kazan, Medvedev, sincerely fond of this talented artist, gave him his own workshop.

In the house Medvedev used a lot of interesting people. Among them Obruchal the attention of a young poet and artist Paul Radimov, student of the historical-philological faculty of Kazan University. A great lover and connoisseur of art, costume, song, poetry of the peoples of the Volga region, he translated the poems of famous Tatar poet Abdullah Tukay, was well acquainted with Gafuri.

There is evidence that more than a year in s. elasy (summer 1918 to autumn 1919) lived the famous Kazan artists Pavel Aleksandrovich Radimov and Grigori A. Medvedev, where they opened a Sunday drawing school and wrote a lot of paintings from nature. At this time in Lasowski labor school level II, worked the teacher of Alexander Vladimirovich Grigoriev (in the future famous painter and statesman), appointed 16 January 1919 County head on adult education.

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