Monastyrsky (Sumnin)

Russia • 出生于 1949


Poet, writer, painter, art theorist, one of the founders of Moscow conceptualism. The winner of the award of Andrey Bely 2003 in the category for outstanding achievements in the development of Russian literature. In 2008 he became the laureate of the prize "Companion". The winner of the "Innovation" prize 2009 in the category "art Theory"

Born in 1949 in the village of Pechenga Murmansk region. Along with Ilya Kabakov is one of the most important figures of Moscow conceptualism.

He graduated from the Moscow state University (Philology). He worked as an editor in the Moscow literary Museum. In 1973 he began to engage in serial structures and minimalist sound compositions. Since 1975, creates poetic objects and actions. One of the founders and writer of most of the projects of the group "Collective action". The author of most of the volumes of documentation CD "the camping Trip". Participant of exhibitions of the Apt-art and avant-garde Club (CLAVA) in Moscow, the participant of numerous domestic and foreign exhibitions. Author theoretical articles on contemporary art in national and international journals.

The winner of the award of Andrey Bely 2003 in the category for outstanding achievements in the development of Russian literature. In 2008 he became the laureate of the prize "Companion". The winner of the "Innovation" prize 2009 in the category "art Theory"

From 1975 to 1977, created a series of works under the title "Elementary poetry" (books, promotional items), the principles which form the basis of the aesthetics of the shares of "Collective action". From 1976 to present — member of "Collective action".

From 1980 to present — compiling volumes of documents "of the group Collective actions".

1981 — preparation of the first issue of the Moscow archive of new art (MANI).

1986-1990 is a compilation of five collections of MANI (1st-4th with the participation of I. Backstein, 5th — with the participation of S. Hansen).

Since 2008 the team member CAPITO (V. Zakharov, Yuri Leiderman and A. Monastyrsky).

September 15, 2010 Stella Art Foundation Stella Kesaeva, Commissioner of the Russian pavilion at the Venice Biennale, has announced that Andrei Monastyrski will represent Russia in Venice in 2011.