Gennadevich Pozdeev

Russia • 1926−1998

Was born in Krasnoyarsk Krai. He studied at the Krasnoyarsk art school named after V. I. Surikov. He was awarded the silver medal of the Russian Academy of arts. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR. Personal exhibitions took place in Tallinn, and Riga, in the Russian Museum, the State Tretyakov Gallery, Central house of artists in Moscow. Paintings by Andrey Pozdeev are in many museums around the world, including in Tretyakov gallery and Russian Museum. Work activity A. Pozdeeva started with working professions. He studied at the factory school, worked as an assistant fireman. During world war II he served in the far East fleet.

Learned painting alone: visiting exhibitions, museums and galleries, studying the works of the great masters of the past, read books, wrote a lot from nature.

The first works written in the 40-ies of the splendid landscapes, Krasnoyarsk and its surroundings, portraits of countrymen, friends, just contemporaries. Looking for painting bold new unconventional solutions – this led him in the mid-sixties to the avant-garde painting. He found new opportunities for creative experimentation, expanding the genre originality of his work. He began to paint purely philosophical content. The object of his interest becomes a man, the society, the whole universe in General. In the last years of his life Andrei Pozdeev was standing on the threshold of some new discovery, but serious illness is not allowed to be conceived. July 12, 1998 the artist died. September 27, 2000, in the city of Krasnoyarsk, a monument to the artist, the sculptor Yuri Zloty.

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