Vladimirovich Pchelnikov

Russia • 出生于 1931

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR. People's artist of Russia.

He graduated from the Leningrad College of industrial arts. V. I. Mukhina, Department of monumental painting (Studio of G. I. Rublev) in 1956, a Member of the artists Union of the USSR (Ministry of agriculture) since 1962 From 1978-participant of exhibitions in different cities of Russia. He was awarded the silver medal of ARTS, the laureate of the government of Moscow. The author of works of monumental-decorative art (painting, relief, mosaic) for public buildings in Moscow and other Russian cities, and abroad (Paris). Is engaged in easel painting and graphics. Easel works are in State Russian Museum, Perm art gallery, private collections in Russia, Italy, and Japan. Represented in the directory CX MDI MOA, 2008.

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