Semenovich Sedov

Russia • 1836−1884


Came from a family of mastergaurav. Rudiments of the art education received at the school of painting and sculpture in Moscow, and in 1857 he entered the Academy of fine arts, where in 1858 he received a small silver medal for drawing, in 1859, a large Silver medal for drawing and a small sketch, in 1860 — a large medal for a study. On the academic exhibition of 1862 were his paintings: "Travelers caught in the rain" and "the Campaign of Oleg against Constantinople". In 1864 S. received a small gold medal for painting software "mercury lulls Argus," and in 1866 a gold medal and the title of the artist 1-th degree and a pensioner's right to stay abroad for six years, during software operation "Conversion of Vladimir to Christianity". From 1867 to 1870 he lived in Paris, where he wrote only two paintings: "Christ in the prison" and the image of the blessed. Trinity in the cupola of the altar of Paris Orthodox Church. Here C. is blind in one eye. Ignorance of foreign languages and eye disease made it difficult for him trip to explore the museums and galleries. Called in 1870 to return to Russia, he spent the last three years pensionerstva in Moscow, engaged mainly in the execution of works for the churches. In the same 1870 S. received from the Academy the title of academician for the painting "Ivan the terrible and Malyuta Skuratov". As a participant works for the embellishment of painting of the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Pp. wrote in the West wing of this Church, wall painting "the Baptism of St. Olga" and sketched thumbnails of the same paintings "the Baptism of St. Vladimir" and "Bookmark of the assumption Cathedral in Moscow" (these sketches were written pattern N. Korneev). In 1876 G. S. huge success exhibited at the exhibition of the Academy of arts his famous picture "Ivan the terrible admiring Vasilisa Milentievna" (located in the Museum of Emperor Alexander III in St. Petersburg), brilliant on writing technique and on the interesting combination of light effects. In addition to these, from the works of S. we will call another picture of the "Kursk citizen" (in the Tretyakov gallery in Moscow), "Santa Schigrovskogo County", "the Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich chooses a bride", as well as images of the four evangelists more than life-size and eight prophets in the Holy Trinity Church at the Pokrovsky gates in Moscow and the iconostasis in St. George Posad Volkonsky County. (F. I. Bulgakov, "Our artists")

  • 艺术家协会
  • 教育