Georgievich Sumbatashvili

Russia • 出生于 1915


Member of the Union of artists of the USSR. People's artist of the RSFSR, twice winner of the State prize of the USSR.

Nar. hood. Of the USSR (1982). Member of the CPSU since 1956. Graduated from the Tbilisi Academy of arts (1942). In 1942-47 Chapter artist of Tbilisi, t-RA of Opera and ballet, in 1948-59 T-RA im.Marjanishvili in Tbilisi. In 1962-72. TSTSA artist in Moscow, 1972-88 Mosk. t-RA im.Vakhtangov. Were also made performances at the Moscow art Theater and. t-tures. The Winner Of The St. St. (1952).

  • 教育