Stepanovich Shchedrovsky

Russia • 1815−1871


The well-known draughtsman and lithographer, particularly gravitated to genre art. Left a number of paintings, genre and landscape. Studied I. S. Sekowski at the University in Vilna. To enter St. Petersburg Academy of arts at government expense, he had not succeeded, therefore, in 1833-36. he attended classes at the Academy of fine arts as an auditor.

Nevertheless in 1836 he received the title of a free artist, "in consideration of good success on the part of landscape painting" (later, in 1842, received the title of academician).

Earned a young and poor artist for the lithographs from famous works of art, orders are received from the EPF.

In 1839 Sekowski released his first album (36 lithographs) on themes from Russian folk life. The artist has made drawings, but lithographed in their other masters. The success was great and it allowed Serovskom later to repeat the album four more times (1845, 1846, 1852, 1855). But now it changes the vertical format of the first edition in the horizontal and makes all the lithographs himself, and in color, using black, bluish and reddish paint.

Work Sadovskogo said V. G. Belinsky in greater reliability in the transmission of urban scenes, the majority of persons and characters. The most famous leaves "the Merchant and the poor", "Bondari", "Carpenter's workshop". The artist is able to capture not only the main internal and external features of different types of people, but even their characteristic movements, gait, the rhythm of their lives. However, he avoids the bustle of mnogorazovogo and unnecessary details. Consistent with such a level of generalization and firm, clear pattern.

Preserved, not all paintings Sadovskogo. Not quite in the mainstream of his work turned out to be several landscapes with hunters who resemble the mood of the paintings venetsianovskoy school. Other paintings Sadovskogo - for example, "Sbitenschik" (1837), "the Reader on the embankment and the merchant lemonade", "Carpenters" (both 1839) - similar in approach and subject to his lithographs. Carefully and precisely, with great sympathy for ordinary workers, the poor Sekowski shows their daily life and activities, presenting them to the viewer as aesthetic value.

In fact, in the works Sadovskogo meet old and new direction in art, and he happily avoids the disadvantages of both. He develops the genre that will dominate in Russian painting of the second half of the XIX century., but depicted, in accordance with its late classicism schooling, summarizes and clears from accidental, external and vain. Thus the balance of the abstract and the concrete. About the last fifteen years of the artist's life little is known. They seem to have been in all respects easy.