
Russia • 1897−1935


see Rybak S. B.

(1897, Yelisavetgrad – 1935, Paris)

Painter, graphic artist and decorator. In 1911 and 1912 he studied at the Kiev art school and Studio A. Murashko. Teachers of the Fisherman were Cubists-futurists A. Exter and A. K. Bogomazov. From mid-1920-ies he lived in France. In Paris, the company moved on to realism.

Painter, graphic artist, worked in the genre of portrait and landscape, and wrote scenes from the life of the Jewish province. Born in the city of Elizavetgrad. In 1911 – 1916 he studied at KHI. In 1917 – 1919 he worked as a decorator in the Jewish theater in Kiev, taught at the Jewish cultural League. With Boris Aronson published a programmatic article "the ways of Jewish painting." From 1919 he lived in Moscow. In 1921 he went to Berlin, where he created a series of graphic "Pogrom", "Jewish types of Ukraine", "Town". Exhibited in the Berlin secession, in 1923 – 1929 he entered the Berlin art Association "November group". In 1926 he emigrated to France, lived and worked in Paris. Participated in the salons: Autumn, Tuileries, Independent. In 1962, the artist's wife organized the Israel Museum "House For", which gave the collection of his works.