From 1900 he worked as a clerk at the railway.-D., spoke in t-re, participated in the roar. motion. With 1906 in St Petersburg, 1908-comp. well. "Libra". Since 1908 he took lessons in painting from D. Burliuk and N. Kulibina. One of the first Russian pilots, from 1911 he studied in Paris in the workshops of Aviator Bleriot; coined the word "aircraft". From 1913 he lived in Moscow, member of the movement of the Cubists-futurists (David Burliuk and Vladimir Mayakovsky), and later from futurism departed. Since 1948 he was seriously ill. SB-poetry "barefoot Girl" (1916), "Zvuchal vesnyankas" (1918), poems on the East. topic "Stenka Razin" (1912-20), "Emelyan Pugachev" (1931), "Ivan Bolotnikov" (1935), "Ermak Timofeevich" (1947), etc. manuf. The author of the memoir the book. "The way of the enthusiast" (1931), "the Life of Mayakovsky" (1940).
Born in the village of Borovskoe in Perm province in the family of the caretaker of the gold mines. Early lost his parents, was brought up in Perm in the family of relatives. In 18 years became interested in theater, touring with a semi-professional troupes in the cities of Russia under the pseudonym of Vasily Vasilkovsky. Was an active participant in the revolutionary movement. In 1905 during the first Russian revolution, he became Chairman of the strike Committee of the railroad. Tagil for that year was in the single jail cell. After his release, he went to St. Petersburg, where, after study at the higher agricultural courses received a diploma agronomist. In 1910-1912 was seriously involved in aviation. Trained in Paris, London and Warsaw, at his own expense, bought a plane “Bleriot XI”. Made the first in Perm flights on the airplane. In 1912, almost died during a plane crash in Poland.
The first publication appeared in 1902 in the newspaper “Perm Krai”, then in 1904 in the Ural Newspapers freedom-loving poetry. Since 1908 he worked and published in the anthology “Spring”, where he became acquainted with Velimir Khlebnikov. Later met her future “father of Russian futurism” David Burliuk. In 1910, along with D. Burlyuks, V. Khlebnikov and other poets published a collection “Zadok the judges”. In the same year, the first book in the Kamensky, lyrical novel “the Dugout.” However, it was not a success, that for a time had suspended his literary career. After the hobby aircraft and the crash Kamensky went home, bought under the Perm piece of land and founded the village of Kamenka, which became his home until 1931 In 1913 Kamensky resumed literary work, joining the well-known “futurist tour” - the journey of David Burliuk and Vladimir Mayakovsky in Russian cities with public performances. Since that time Kamensky is an integral part of futurist journals, Newspapers, magazines and public performances. In the period 1913-1914 tour his performances had much success, notoriety futurist was added glory of a professional pilot. At the same time expanding his circle of literary and artistic acquaintances, together with Mayakovsky and Burlyuk, he starred in the first silent movies.
As an artist, Kamensky worked from 1909 (exhibition “the Impressionists”), then “Triangle” (St. Petersburg, 1910). In 1913 he staged an exhibition of contemporary art in Perm. In 1914 at the exhibition No. 4 (Moscow) presented their “concrete poem”, which is a synthesis of visual graphics and words. Participated in the last exhibition of the futurists (“Exhibition of paintings of leftist trends” and “0.10” (Petrograd, 1915), “ Jack of diamonds ” (Moscow, 1917).
The main work of the pre-revolutionary period - Roman “Stenka Razin” (1916), revised later in the poem. Roman Kamensky was a resounding success, delivered on the basis of his performances have been staged in many theaters in Russia.
In the 1920s, wrote the book “Summer at Kamenka”, the story “27 the adventures of Hort Joyce”, etc. In the 1930s - the poem “Emelyan Pugachev”, “Ivan Bolotnikov”. In 1923, in his script was made one of the first Soviet films “Family Gribushina”.
In 1931 instead of the estate of Kamenka, got the house in the village of Trinity is 50 km from Perm, on the high picturesque Bank of the river Sylva. In this house, which was rebuilt according to his own project, he lived until 1951 Died Vasily Kamensky, on 11 November 1961 in Moscow.
Impressionists. St. Petersburg, 1909
Triangle. Petersburg, 1910
Exhibition of modern painting. Perm, 1913
No. 4. Moscow, 1914
Exhibition of paintings of leftist trends. Petrograd, 1915
0.10. Petrograd, 1915
The Jack of diamonds . Moscow, 1917
Selected solo publications:
Dugout. St. Petersburg, 1910
Tango with cows. Concrete poem. Moscow, 1914
My journal. M. 1915
Stenka Razin (novel). Moscow, 1916
Poems about the Caucasus. Tiflis. 1916
Girls barefoot. Tiflis, 1916
A book about Evreinov. Petrograd, 1916
It is my biography of the great futurist. Moscow, 1918
Zvuchal of vesnianky. Moscow, 1918
Heart folk - Stenka Razin (poem). Moscow, 1918
Stenka Razin (the play). Moscow-Petrograd, 1919
Cuvma. Tiflis. 1920
Bid for immortality. B. M. 1920
Library poets, edited by Kamensky. Moscow, №1 (1923), №2 (1923)
27 adventures of Hort Joyce. M. L. 1924
Playbook. M. 1925
And here it is. Tiflis, 1927
Summer the heater: notes of a hunter. Tiflis. 1929
The path enthusiast. Moscow, 1931
The Youth Of Mayakovsky. Tiflis. 1931
Saryn on Kichko. M. 1932
Poems about the Caucasus. Tiflis. 1932
Rider Aino. B. M. 1932
Ivan Bolotnikov. M. 1934
Selected poems. Moscow, 1934
Poems. Leningrad, 1934
Three poems. Leningrad, 1935
Power. M. 1939
Favorites. Moscow, 1958
Poems. Moscow, 1961
Summer at Kamenka. Perm, 1961
Poems and poems. Moscow-Leningrad, 1966
V. Kamensky . Just amazing. B. m, b.g.
V. Kamensky . Here, glory to the mind. B. M., b.g.
Publications with participation Kamensky:
Spring. St. Petersburg, 1908
Milestones. St. Petersburg, 1908 (?)
Wreath. 1909
Space. Little lit. ALM. for each. SPb, 1909
Zadok The Judges. St. Petersburg, 1910
A slap in the face of public taste. Moscow, 1912
Harvest. The summer of 1912. kN. 3. M. 1912
Zadok The Judges. Saint Petersburg, 1913
Dead moon. Moscow, 1913
Naked among dressed (in et al. A. Kravtsov). Moscow, 1914
Milk mares. Futurists. “Gilea.” Kherson, 1914
Futurists. Roaring Parnassus. Saint Petersburg, 1914
The first journal of Russian futurists, No. 1-2. Moscow, 1914
Dead moon. (second edition). Moscow, 1914
Spring contrahendo muses. M. 1915
Took. The futurists drum. M. 1915
The enchanted wanderer. Almanac winter. 1915 (?)
Magazine of magazines, No. 2, 1916
Moscow masters. The magazine of the arts. M. 1916
Four birds. Moscow, 1916
Newspaper of the futurists. Moscow, 1918
Georgia. The poets and writers. Tiflis. 1931
21. Almanac 13. M. 1938