Vladimirovich Soyfertis

Russia • 1911−1996

People's artist of USSR (1990), corresponding member AH (1966). Concise, expressive pencil or feather, genre pictures ("Sevastopol album", 1941-42), cartoons. In 1934 the staff of the magazine "Crocodile".

Born in the town of Illintsi, Vinnytsia oblast. In 1928 – 1930 he studied at HHI, 1933 – 1936 – at the Department of advanced training of artists in MOSSES (A. Rudakova, P. city, city. Rodionova). Author of genre compositions, Illustrator, cartoonist. From 1929 he worked in Newspapers and magazines. Participant of numerous exhibitions. In 1969 won the I prize at the 5th Biennale of graphics them. H, Marcarelli (Tolentino, Italy), in 1979 – gold medal of International Biennale (Ancona, Italy). Personal exhibitions took place in Leningrad and Belgrade. Corresponding member AH the USSR since 1966, people's artist of RSFSR, 1990. Works are in state Tretyakov gallery, State Museum of fine arts. A. Pushkin, the Museum of defense and liberation of Sevastopol.

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