Nikiforovich Voronikhin

Russia • 1759−1814

Up to 1785 the fortress gr. A. S. Stroganov. From 1777 he studied at the Moscow V. I. Bazhenov and M. F. Kazakov, 1779 in St Petersburg. at F. I. Demertsov. In 1786-90 continued education in Switzerland and France. Taught architecture in St. Petersburg. AH, Acad. (1797), Professor (1802). In 1800 appointed architect. Kazan Cathedral, its Chapter creation. In 1806-09 erected the building of the Mountain cadet. cor. on Vasilievsky island. In 1790-s V. developed the project of a countryside Palace gr. Stroganova in the estate Maryino (der. Village andrianovo, Tosnenskiy R-on). In the 1800s participated in the work on modifying the interiors of the Gatchina Palace (see the Gatchina Palace and Park ensemble). In 1803-05 constructed building of the almshouse Hospital in the town of Gatchina (St. Kirgetova, 1). He was buried in St. Petersburg. in the Lazarev cemetery. Alexander Nevsky monastery (Necropolis of the XVIII century).

Lit.: Lisovsky V. G. Andrei Voronikhin. L., 1971; the architectural Monuments of the suburbs of Leningrad. L., 1983. 316 S.; Murashova N. In. One hundred and manors of St.-Petersburg province: ist. reference. SPb., 2005. S. 190.

A. D. Margolis

Of course, Andrei Nikiforovich Voronikhin known primarily as a great Russian architect. The Kazan Cathedral and the Mining Institute in St. Petersburg architect brought European glory. Less well known is that Andrew Voronikhin started out as a painter.

He was a serf of count A. S. Stroganov. Endowed with many artistic talents, Voronikhin, apparently, was pretty well-known nobleman, who often took his fortress in numerous trips around the country. The result of these trips was the album of sketches and watercolors, known as "travels in Russia, the painter".

In 1786, Voronikhin was liberated. Note that relations with his former owner did not interrupt. On the contrary, he did many things to build and decorate the palaces of the count and his family.

In 1794 A. Voronikhin for the work "Art gallery of count A. S. Stroganov" is awarded the title of "appointed" in academics, in 1797 for the painting "view of the Stroganov's dacha in St. Petersburg" — the title of academician of perspective painting and miniatures.

Architectural title A. N. Voronikhin received later, becoming in 1800 the adjutant Professor of architectural class of the Academy of arts, and in 1802 received the title of Professor of architecture and was appointed a member of the Board of the Academy.

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