Terentyevich Matveyev

Russia • 1878−1960

Honored. worker of arts of RSFSR (1931). Member of the CPSU(b) since 1940. He graduated from the Moscow school of painting (1902), a disciple of S. M. Volnukhin and p. P. Trubetskoy. From 1903 to participate in exhibitions. In 1901-05 he worked in the ceramic workshop Mamontov "Abramtsevo", in 1906-07 improved in Paris. Member hood. about the "World of art", "Blue rose", Paris. From 1918 he taught at Petrograd. Somase, 1932-48 - in the Repin Institute of arts in 1939 and a Professor, in 1932-34-the Director of this Institute. Simultaneously. in 1940-48 taught in ISKCON. hood. the Institute. Easel and monumental sculpture ("V. Borisov-Musatov", 1900 tombstone Borisov-Musatov in Tarusa, 1910; "A. Herzen", 1912; the sculptural group "October", 1927; "Female figure", 1937; "Alexander Pushkin", 1938; "self-Portrait", 1939; "A. Chekhov", 1945; the statue of Pushkin, 1948-60), plastic, small forms, etc.

A. T. Matveev was born in Saratov. Studying at the school of graphic art, Amateur Studio of the Saratov society of fine arts, communication with talented creative youth, among which was subsequently became well-known artists V. E. Borisov-Musatov, P. V. Kuznetsov, K. Petrov-Vodkin, identified the range of artistic interests Matveeva, his aspirations in art. His skills he perfected in the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture (1899 - 1902), where she studied with renowned sculptors p. P. Trubetskoy and S. M. Volnukhin.

Creativity Matveeva multifaceted in content and coverage of the phenomena of life. Already in the early (1907 - 11) works realistically interprets nature, is opposed to the then fashionable aspirations for cabin refinement of sculptural forms. many of the works of this period were later used for decoration of the Park Kucuk Something in the Crimea, creating a kind of plastic Suite in synthesis with nature.

Accomplished Great October socialist revolution. Matveev was the first in the ranks of artists, who became on the side of October. Fulfilling Lenin's plan of monumental propaganda, he worked on a monument to Karl Marx, which was established in 1918 in front of the Smolny (the monument is not preserved, as they were made of temporary materials).

Simplicity, courage, aspiration for the future was embodied in a sculptural way.

In the early 1920s by the order of the Lomonosov porcelain factory Matveev creates several works of small plastic art (the Caryatid, bather, etc.) the perfection of the plastics that distinguishes this work. For the 10th anniversary of the great October socialist revolution Matveev created the sculptural group "October"; (1927, RM), which in their boldness and innovation was an important milestone in the development of Soviet sculpture, she became the classics of our art. This work reflects the romance of the revolution, the victory of a free, unfettered man, shows indomitable strength and the unity of the working class, peasantry and army - defender of the Union. Matveev believed that his work software

Matveev was an outstanding teacher. During many years of fruitful pedagogical activities they raised a large number of artists sculptors, whose art had a significant influence on the development of our Huge creative effort invested by the sculptor in creating portraits of the best people that Express the distinctive Russian character. One small listing will tell about many things: A. I. Herzen, V. E. Borisov-Musatov, M. A. Voloshin, A. S. Pushkin (on the image of the poet, he worked for decades), M. Yu. Lermontov, A. M. Gorky, A. P. Chekhov, M. N. Yermolov. For many years the sculptor has devoted to revealing the image of Lenin as his contemporary. In this seminal work embodied the best achievements of the Matveev - realism, plastic perfection and psychological proniknovennost

The artistic heritage of A. T. Matveev - sample of high-skill, inspired service to the Soviet people and its art.

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