Ivanovich Ivanov

Russia • 1828−1903

Educated in the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture under the guidance of N.. Razman. In 1854, the statue of ""the Boy in the bath"" (plaster copy in the Museum of Alexander III , marble - in the Tretyakov gallery) - academician. Was a teacher of sculpture at the Moscow school. His works occasionally appeared at public exhibitions. His most famous statues and groups: ""Neapolitan fisherman, with a sink, and AP. Andrew"" (for the Moscow historical Museum), ""mother love"" the, ""a boy on a horse,"", ""Kiss of Judas"", ""Tiger, stuck in the neck of the deer and the Lioness with cubs"," a sketch of the statue ""Moses striking water from a stone"," the project of the monument to A. S. Pushkin , the busts of actors Shumsky , Sadovsky and Zhivokini and fabulist Krylov .

He received his artistic education at the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture under the main supervision of N. A. Ramazanova. In 1854 a statue of the Boy in the bath (marble copy in the Tretyakov gallery, Moscow), was elevated to the rank of academician. After the death Ramazanova (1863) took over his position teaching sculpture at the same Moscow school.

With his works in public exhibitions appeared only occasionally. Of his works stand the statues of the Neapolitan fishwives with sink, and the Apostle Andrew (played for the Moscow Historical Museum), groups of Maternal love, the boy on the horse, the Judas Kiss, Tiger, stuck in the neck of a deer, a Lioness with cubs, a sketch of the statue of Moses striking water from a stone, the project of the monument to A. S. Pushkin, the busts of actors Shumsky, Sadovsky and Zhivokini and fabulist Krylov.

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