Kirillovich Slyusarev

Russia • 1886−1962


He was born in 1886 in D. Chernoskutova kamyshlovskogo district of the Perm province into a peasant family.

From early childhood he became interested in drawing. First teacher and mentor of the young artist, his friend, a talented landscape painter Leonard Viktorovich Turzhansky. The influence Tourjansky on the formation of a creative personality I. Slyusarev - his works also have elongated horizontal format that allows you to experience panoramist landscape. The artist often uses thick impasto painting, which helps him to achieve the high materiality of the image.

In 1900, I. Slyusarev attending evening courses for the workers of the Verkh-isetskii plant, where drawing and painting were taught N. M. Plyusnin, the artist, who graduated from the Metropolitan Academy of arts. From 1903 to 1907 he studied at the Yekaterinburg art-industrial school. His teachers, the painter V. V. Konovalov, sculptor T. E. Gruenberg (Zalkalns), schedule A. N. Paramonov and others.

After graduating from art school I. Slyusarev began working as a teacher of drawing.

In 1912 he participated in the St. Petersburg exhibition of young artists from the painting "the Prayer house of votka". The debut was more than successful.

In 1923, he was the first solo exhibition of works by I. K. slyusareva, where the artist presented about 160 works. The exhibition has received great reviews.

Looking for like minded I. Slyusarev has led to the Association of artists of revolutionary Russia (AHRR). In 1925-1927 he worked as a Deputy Chairman of the Ural branch of AHRR, while continuing to teach at various institutions, and a lot of doing creative work.

At the end of the 1920s-1930s the artist's talent blossoms vividly. The theme of the Ural landscape sounds in his work fully and strong. During this period he wrote his most important works: "Cabin on the hill", "Old tree on Chusovaya river" (both – 1933), "river mist" (1935), "On Tunage" (1936) etc. they are All painted from life and are of subtle thoughtfulness and skill composition.

Talent slyusareva versatile – he tries his hand in creating architectural and interior compositions, genre scenes and still lifes.

During the great Patriotic war the work of I. Slyusarev becomes more manly with no feelings of sadness, melancholy that was characteristic of 1914-1917 In 1944 in Sverdlovsk exhibition "Ural – blacksmith arms", where the first prize was awarded to "to the Ural landscape" I. Slyusarev.

I. Slyusarev rightly called the founder of the Ural landscape genre, the "singer of the Urals". His work is vast and diverse. During his long life he produced more than 2 500 sketches and paintings. Most of them reflect the wonderful nature in the Urals, with its mountains, pine forests, clear lakes and fast rivers.

In 2006 for the 120th anniversary of the artist was on an album of his works, "I. K. Slusarev. The painting".

Publications: I. Slyusarev. Painting.

Ivan Kirillovich Slyusarev was born in the village Chernoskutova Kamensky district, Sverdlovsk region. Van was a year and a half, when it as "extra mouth", it was decided to refer to the family of his grandfather, father, mother, Nikita E. Grigorieva. Since the age of five, Ivan began to help his grandfather on the farm in the difficult peasant labor: harrow the arable land, to feed the cows. Living in the village, Vanya was discovered the unsophisticated beauty of the world. This is a special attitude to nature, born of early childhood, ever entered his soul.

In ten years, Ivan wrote his first job as a stub of a color pencil that bartered with a neighbor friend on the headstock. Red, he portrayed the lasting memory of a fire in the village — a sea of fire, rushing, mad with fear and panic sufferers, who saves the remains of the property, a riot of flame, blue color strehovec the sky, the ribbon, the surface of the river. For the first time, he suddenly felt himself the Creator, felt an unprecedented rise, the admiration and delight before he created the painting. But the grandfather did not appreciate the merit of his grandson and broke the pattern.

In twelve years, Ivan Yakovlev was graduated from the school. Then grandma came to visit younger daughter Seema with her husband Cyril N. Slusarev (Slyusarenko), which took him to Ekaterinburg and adopted. Vanya got a new middle name — K., Slyusarev's name and began working as an assistant at his adoptive father — a clerk in a bread shop.

The first teachers Vani dated was two tramp — Kurochkin and mercury, who lived in Yekaterinburg bread market near the tavern, the so-called "Monopol'ka" where they lived, where they drank all their beggarly alms. Both graduated from the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture, and Kurochkin even has received for his success is a silver medal, but their fate is developed badly.

They willingly fought with a boy of different conversations about the art. Seeing his ability and diligence, gave the first drawing skills. And then the day came that turned all the boy's life. In 1898, he met with a real artist. On the market, about the hitching post a young man was drawing horses. The rapidity with which he worked, especially the amazed boy. It's like Leonard Turzhansky. The annual meeting with Slusareva he studied at the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture. Slyusarev became his disciple. In 1898 Slyusarev entered the evening courses for workers of Verkh-isetskii factory, where he was taught drawing and painting, although Cyril N. did not immediately agreed to release the van on the course. Helped Seraphim Nikitichna. Slyusarev attending the Society of fine arts, founded in Ekaterinburg in 1894, have been in organized Society drawing lessons.

In 1902 he opened the Ekaterinburg art-industrial school. In this school Slyusarev made friends with Vanya Ivanov (Shadr), who later became widely known Soviet sculptor. Having felt confidence of the forces, Slyusarev has become every year to participate in city fairs of fine art. Newspaper and magazine chronicle of those years, noted the success of the young artist.

There were moments when the fate of the artist dated as hung in the balance. The revolutionary events of 1905 also affected the students of the Yekaterinburg art school, who are singing revolutionary songs marched on the main square of Yekaterinburg near the Cathedral. The demonstration was dispersed by the black hundreds and the police, the school was closed indefinitely. In 1906 the school was resumed. In 1907 Slyusarev graduated from high school, received the title "academic painter" and the right to teach drawing in schools.

But he wanted to go to Petersburg with the intention to study at the technical school of Baron Stieglitz.

After a quiet district of Ekaterinburg, the capital astonished the young artist. With joy he looked at the huge buildings, luxury shops, rich crews, passing along Nevsky. In the capital slyusareva has not taken over the teaching had to pay a tidy sum, and the appointment was over Three months of fruitless search of work, three months of desperate struggle for the right just to live in a city where there are schools, where there are people who write good paintings... in Vain! The dream of scientists went out immediately.

In one, the young artist found joy and happiness. He went through the magnificent city of Petra, admire magnificent ensembles of the Admiralty, St. Isaac's and Kazan cathedrals. In the Russian Museum for a long time froze in front of the landscapes of the great painters. He attended open for viewing halls of the Winter Palace, and then walk back to my room in the basement. Money quickly melted away, to live was not for that.

Sick and exhausted, he returned home: the same shop, uncle is the foreman, a rough shout of the master, the same tramps about "Monopolka". But he was not a clerk! In the autumn of 1908, Ivan took a job as a teacher at primary school. With great hardship he became who I wanted to be. In the winter he teaches at the school, real school, in school, in private passions; in the summer, went to their homes in the mountains, forests, fields and there until autumn walks in different places of beautiful father of the Urals. He later received an invitation to teach at a private girls ' school and the courses for workers. Now in his spare time, he can do what he likes.

In the summer Ivan had gone to his home in the village Chernoskutova to his real parents. The days spent there, he wrote a long series of studies. The landscapes created Slusareva in the period 1907-1917 years, stood out clear thread linking them to the works Tourjansky. Small landscape "My homeland" (1912) is one of the most typical landscapes Sliusarevsky these years. One of the best works of these years, "Twilight" (1909) is captivating and touches the depth experienced by the artist feelings. Landscapes slyusareva these years, capturing not only melancholy, but joyful and smiling nature, full of optimism and movement. Is it "Plotinka", presented in 1912 at the exhibition of local artists.

In 1912 Slyusarev participated in art exhibition "young" in St. Petersburg. The performance of the young of the Urals was seen. Newspaper "Morning of Russia" November 14, 1912, wrote: "the Province has given some real "surprises". Here from distant Yekaterinburg someone Slyusarev sent a small thing "In the house of prayer votka". For how much the young artist has felt and conveyed the originality and uniqueness of this chapel, it must genuinely promote".

During the first world slyusareva born from the theme of human sorrow. In 1916 he wrote a great genre song, "Longing. Loneliness" (1916) — late night woman alone with his grief, which brought her a letter. Recently managed to establish that her image is depicted favorite artist's sister, whose husband died at the front. In the picture masterfully convey a feeling of longing, despair, tragedy, loneliness. This painting is the first but not the last attempt to create Slusareva genre scenes.

The October revolution of 1917 Slyusarev met both hope for a big change in his work, the ability to really turn around. However, the development of socialist realism in the Urals took place in the acute struggle against hostile bourgeois influences. "Futurists" had tried to recruit artist to its ranks. However, the offer to join them, "left-wing" painters received a categorical refusal.

In 20-e years the name slyusareva became known in the Urals. In 1920-30-ies the artist vividly blossomed. The theme of the Ural landscape sounded fully and clearly. In 1923 was organized first personal exhibition of I. Slyusarev. The artist presented her works 160. The income from it was given to Children's home named after the October Revolution.

In 1924, the artist went to Chrysostom and mount Taganai. (A poetic translation of the word Taganay - stand of the moon). From the abundance of impressions he made a vow to myself - to love, to love Ural always! Divers captured Slyusarev handsome giant of the South Ural mountain Taganay. Attention slyusareva attract and monuments of the Ural architecture - old wooden houses, blackened by time Empire-style mansions mansion with cast-iron openwork grilles, monasteries with their high walls and strict simple decoration. Architectural landscapes slyusareva have a good tradition in Russian and Soviet art. High craftsmanship differ his landscapes with old Ural monasteries with their white walls against the blue of the summer sky.

In this period, the artist writes the most beautiful, soulful and poetic landscape motifs - "Cabin on the hill" (1933), "Old tree on Chusovaya" (1933), "Taganay" (1934), "Chusovoy" (1936). They are written directly from nature, distinguished by the thoughtfulness and craftsmanship of composition, depth of vision. In 30-ies the artist worked with special enthusiasm. A whole series of landscapes dedicated Slyusarev Ural mining and the beauty of the Chusovaya river.

In 1932, I. Slyusarev was appointed Secretary of the Board of the Sverdlovsk branch of Union of artists. 1937 was one of the most significant periods of the artist's life. He noted the 30th anniversary of its artistic activities. Indoor JAG opened his big solo show, which he showed 140 paintings, watercolors, drawings and numerous sketches and studies, beginning with his childhood drawings, to large finished landscape paintings and numerous drawings and sketches, which celebrates the native Urals.

In 1939-40 in Moscow Slyusarev participated in the first exhibition of the peripheral artists of the older generation of the Russian Federation. By this time he participated in 38 exhibitions in the Sverdlovsk, Perm, Chelyabinsk, Moscow, Leningrad.

During world war Slyusarev actively involved in the social life of the Urals.His paintings adorned the hospital room, he wrote the soulful landscape paintings of the Ural nature. The Soviet landscape in the years of the war had acquired a special significance. Rich, deep Patriotic content, it brought the love to the native land. The artist's work during the war becomes more manly with no feelings of sorrow, anguish, which were characteristic for the period of the first world war. It is somewhat harsh, but full of bright sense of optimism. One of the significant landscapes of the war years is "Stone gate" (1941).

In 1944 he held a large regional exhibition "Ural - blacksmith arms" with the participation of artists of Moscow, Leningrad, Perm, Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk, and N. Tagil. Ivan Slyusarev showcased a large canvas, depicting an early spring in the mountain region, "Ural landscape" (1944). The film won hearts with courage and optimism, she was justly awarded First prize.

March 31, 1945 in Moscow after a serious illness, died outstanding Russian Urals landscape painter Leonard Viktorovich Turzhansky. A pupil of great masters of Russian Painters continued in his creativity the best traditions of landscape art, laid the foundations of the Ural painting. In good hands Turzhansky passed the baton to his beloved disciples - Ivan Slusarev, Oleg Bernhard.

As if proud of his pupil Turzhansky, if I saw stunning in its magnificence "of the Ural landscape" of his disciple. Slyusarev contributed to the preservation of the great heritage of his teacher.

In 1956, the citizens celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Ural masters. Major solo exhibition, turned in 4 big halls of the Sverdlovsk art gallery. 23 Jan 1957. opened a jubilee exhibition dedicated to the 70th anniversary from the day of his birth and the 50th anniversary of creative activity slyusareva. In the halls of the SCG has been presented about 300 works, filled with oil, tempera, gouache, watercolor, and etching.

The unique appearance of old, the artist drew people to him. Everything in it was surprisingly harmonious. He welcomed everyone, whether its a colleague or student, worker or a fisherman, met somewhere in the Ural lake. Listening to some polivalina, he smiled with a slight wickedness, and said, "Everything is familiar!" And indeed, what he had seen in his life. The artist clearly was aware that the gift of simple village boys could and does die, to die, as died many hundreds of undiscovered talents of old Russia.

Was eighth decade of the life of Ivan Kirillovich. It seemed that recently he made big and small tours in the Urals. In his spacious room-Studio, a new canvas — the future picture. Came friends-artists and hot debate discussed new sketches brought back from trips, they evaluated.

October 20, 1962, on 76-m to year of life died the oldest painter in the Urals, one of the organizers of the creative Union in Sverdlovsk, a member of the Union of artists of the USSR I. K. Slusarev. The artist is considered to be a singer beloved region.

(The authors - V. Bulavin, V. L. Bulavina)