Danilovich Leader

Russia • 出生于 1917


Thesis in the CVC - sketches of scenery and costumes for W. Shakespeare's Comedy "As you like it?", rating - excellent. The training took place at the picturesque faculty, qualification of the artist painting.

Born in the village of Rostov region. Vectorfeld theatre. artist, laureate of State. St. USSR (1952), member. CX USSR (1962), honoured worker of arts. worker of arts of the USSR (1972), Nar. artist of the USSR (1982). Graduated from the Rostov art. College (1937), Leningrad. Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin (1956). In 1946-54 worked wcel. drama theatre; 1955-62 – in Leningrad. theatres; since 1962 in the Kiev theater. Franko; 1974-80 led pedagogicheskoy activities at the Kiev art Institute. Party resp., proceedings of all-Union., Intern. exhibitions, world exhibition “Prague quadrennial”. The work of L. presented in Mosk. theatre. Museum. A. A. Bakhrushin, in Leningrad. and Kiev museums theatre.

(the author O. A. Kuzaev)

Lit.: B a th n o V L. P. the Artists of Chelyabinsk. H, 1979; Chelyabinsk organisation of the Union of artists of Russia, 1936-91: Right. / AVT.-comp. O. A. Kudzaev. H, 1996.