Romanovich Zaleman

Russia • 出生于 1859

Academician of the sculpture, the son of Robert Karlovich Zaleman, born in 1859, Studied at the Academy of fine Arts, where he received a medal for his statue "of Ores, pursued by the furies" and the bas-relief "clash of the titans with the Olympians". Abroad he worked mainly in Florence and Rome and performed the bas-relief, "the ferryman who takes the dead across the river Styx." In 1890 he sang the group of "Cimbri" (Museum of Alexander III ), in 1896 - the figure of "Il affaticar tanto che giova" (in the Museum of the Academy of fine Arts). For the Cathedral of St. Vladimir in Kiev, executed the statue of St. Vladimir, Museum of Alexander III in Moscow - the big frieze "Olympic games". Is a Professor of the Higher art school at the Academy of fine Arts.

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